RRP £14.50 min order 2 x
GANUTELL: The Maltese art of making artistic flowers from wire and silk.
An Exciting new book covering all aspects of this fascinating Craft.
A complete bible of the subject, with practical step by step instructions.
91 pages. hardback with many coloured illustrations.
About the author:
In Malta, the name Maria Kerr is synonymouse with Ganutell. What started off as a hobby quickly turned into a passion as she was quick to realise that this fascinating art could very well be the medium which would help her express her artistic feelings.
Since her youth, Maria had always been fascinated by flowers and floral arrangements was one of her favourite past-times. She simply loved to mix the vibrant colours, toning them down with delightful pastel shades to end up with a well balance and pleasing arrangement. All this served her in good stead for she took the transition from natural to artificial flowers in her stride. Maria is an ardent lover of nature and strongly believes that nothing can beat the beauty and perfection of a natural flower. However when scrutinising her work one cannot feel that her Ganutell creations with their subtle colours and perfection run a very close second.
Ask Maria her secret and she is quick to answer that anybody can achieve a certain degree of perfection - naturally at a price. Perfection can only be achieved through sheer hard work, there is no magc formula. "Hours of practice" are needed and when you think that you are there, judge your work with honesty and discard anything that is not up to standard. Keep your first flower, this is your point of departure but remember that no matter how good you are, there is always room for improvement.